Monday, November 10, 2014

Starting the Flock

This week we added some animals to the farm. Last year we were given 2 lambs, a wether and a ewe.  We decided to have the ewe lamb bred so we took her to an Amish neighbor, where she's been for the last couple of months. The neighbor also agreed to sell us another ewe lamb so now we are up to 3 sheep...almost a flock! 

The ewes are getting acquainted and re-acquainted with the surroundings for a few days. The wether gets to hang out with our steer on the pasture of clover and barley. We rotate the pen every couple of days, as you can see, they munch it right down in those days. 

We hope to turn them all out together later this week and we can't wait for some lambs this spring!

Don't forget to visit the other 30 day challenge bloggers!

The Ag Blogging challenge arranged by Holly Spangler is going strong. Make sure to read herAgriculturalists Who Influence blog series!

30 Days Bloggers


  1. Good for you! I know I'm looking forward to reading all the entries in the blogging challenge.
    Hey, here's another place you can list your blog if you're looking for more exposure.
    Best wishes in both your blogging and your farming adventures. :)

  2. Oh, I meant to say THANK YOU for the mention of our farm. :)

  3. Thanks for the comments and encouragement Barbara!
